Animals & Portraiture

What's your pet saying about you?


  • Also known as Anna-Banana, Doobie, or Doobie-Doo.
  • Professional barker. Has received multiple awards for most annoying barker within a single family residence.
  • Neighbors attempting the sidewalk challenge can expect to receive a stiff warning accompanied by a deep growl of contempt.
  • Barking at the wind is a favorite pastime.
  • Mealtimes are all the times. There are no exceptions.
  • Suffers from separation anxiety. If her human mama tries to leave for a weekend getaway without her, the mama will most likely return home only to witness a manipulative little angel pretending to have a hip joint out of socket. This will result in a day or two of mild crippled-ness (I don't think that's a real word, but let's go with it).

Little Anna Oakley ~ 1876


  • Also known as Zoe-Zoe, Doe-Doe, or Zoe.
  • Tolerates all humans in the home but adores her human daddy the mostest.
  • Certain visits to the litter box seem to thunder-charge her energy level to superhero heights.
  • Meal time is expected promptly at both 7am and 5:30pm. Any deviation can and will result in a vocal disruptance of the un-earthly kind.
  • Watching her sister Anna freak out over the littlest things is something she enjoys tremendously.
  • She was adopted by her human family when she was 10 months old. It took her about 2 weeks before realizing she had the best human pets a cat could ask for:)